Currently on Stage
Jessica Alballet
The Jessica Alballet is coming to our theater for a beautiful rendition of Parakeet Puddle.
The Jessica Simpsony
Relax with the soothing tones of a cat stuck on a belt sander and a thousand babies crying.
Balade de Jambon
Expressive performance art by Ballet des Chiens Chauds, set in a utopian world where everything is a sausage.
Requiem in z-plusminus
Britney Spears shows us what she has learned during a 2 hour workshop with the guy who picked up a violin once
The Opera
Older than Tyrannosauruseses
Celebrate with us, as we honor our beautiful opera's 65 millionth year of existence. We go on a journey back in time to watch the first performance of Emily Bronto-Saurus and many more.
Meet the Artists
A bastion of creativity
The Opéra d'Aspirateur is looking back on a long history of amazing artistic talent, from Maria Piano (violinist) to Agnes Service-Desk (choreographer). Each has brought their own unique flair to the Opera and helped maintain its reputation as a bastion of unexpected artistic parakeet.
Learn more about the artists